​​Will my electrical equipment work in Africa Most of southern Africa's electricity supply is 220 volts AC 50 Hz. Appliances of a lesser voltage require transformers and adaptors. Adaptor kits can be purchase at several locations in the states prior to your departure. Kits are recommended as the requirements and plugs differ from country to country in Africa. We have personally used digital cameras, video cameras, hair dryers and other electrical equipment with no problems in all of our lodges with the aid of proper adapters.

All of our lodges offer a full three meal a day menu. You will be provided with fantastic full course meals prepared by full time chefs. Wine and local beers are served with all meals. All meals include fresh vegetables and meats. A cooler box is usually on each vehicle which allows you to stop for a cold drink while watching a famous South African sunset. If you have any special dietary needs we ask you to make us aware of this and a special menu will be prepared to accommodate your needs.

What are the meals like while in Africa

What are the accommodations like on safari

​​The accommodations at most of our areas are quite luxurious. Most have private chalets with en suite bathrooms, hot and cold running water and showers. Some of the more remote camps are tented. These tents are built on platforms and also have en suite bathes with hot and cold running water. Most of our clients have returned extremely surprised at the quality of our accommodations.

What is the recommended clothing while on safari

What is the recommended clothing while on safari We recommend four sets of brown, green or dark khaki lightweight safari outfits, a soft comfortable hat, good walking boots that are quiet and worn in. It is also advisable to bring fleece pullovers and/or windproof jackets for the cool early mornings and evenings. Clients should bring a pair of long trousers (not blue jeans) as it is a requirement in a lot of hotels in Africa. Excessive sets of clothing is not normally necessary as laundry service is provided daily at most of our locations.

What will the weather be like while in Africa

What is your cancellation policy In case of cancellation the cancellation policy of the particular lodge you are scheduled to be at with will apply. Farren Safaris charges a 15% service fee with a maximum $500.00 on all cancellations.  This fee is waived if the safari is simply rescheduled with the same lodges and not cancelled entirely.  Most lodges have a fairly liberal cancellation policy. This information is available by simply contacting our office. We recommend that all clients purchase medical evacuation insurance and trip cancellation insurance.

The summer months are from October to April with day time temperatures ranging from 85 - 105F throughout most of our areas. The winter months are from May to September with day time temperatures ranging from 65 - 85F. Nights can be cold during this period with temperatures dropping to 35F. The rainy season normally starts in the middle of November and end in March. Our prime safari season is from April to October in the southern countries and October and November in Tanzania.

Frequently Asked Questions


Medical Evacuation and trip cancellation insurance

What should I take for camera gear

Will my electronic devices work when in Africa

What are my medical requirements for traveling to Africa

Yes. It is law in Africa for your guides to pass stringent and detailed exams both theoretical and practical. Depending on your itinerary, if any game walks are to be done, your guide will carry a weapon for your security.

Are your guides licensed professionals

What is your cancellation policy

Can I communicate with home while on safari

​​Most of the areas we conduct safaris in do not require any inoculations. Regardless of this, we recommend all of our clients consult with their primary physician for advice regarding their healthcare while traveling abroad. Many of our safari areas are in malaria prone zones and therefore require malaria prophylactics. For health information regarding travel in Africa we provide the following Center for Disease control link. You do not have to be concerned with the water quality in any of our safari camps. All water is from wells dedicated to the camp in which you are staying. If you are uncomfortable with drinking the tap water in any of our camps bottled water is available. We recommend medical evacuation insurance for all of our clients as well as trip cancellation insurance.

A good quality compact digital camera is a must.  We often see clients taking from three hundred to over two thousand pictures while on a typical safari. We recommend taking sufficient memory sticks to accommodate these numbers. We also recommend an extra battery as well. There is electricity via a generator in every camp but we recommend being cautious in regards to recharging electronic equipment. It is important to have a good quality camera case as the dust in Africa is very fine and has tendency to find it's way into every nook and cranny. Compact and good quality are the name of the game. We also recommend taking a large enough zip lock bag to accommodate your camera.  This will help keep any dust and debris out of your equipment. Remember to take a camera with a high pixel count.  This will allow you to enlarge some of your photos to 8X10 or larger and maintain their quality.

Most lodges are equipped with satellite phones.  In addition to satellite phones cell phones work in many of the remote locations throughout southern Africa. Many of the locations have wifi via satellite for access to the internet as well. We recommend you contact your cell provider for guidance regarding international plans and instructions for using your cell phones while in Africa.

We strongly recommend purchasing medical evacuation Insurance. This relatively inexpensive coverage will provide you with access to a private air ambulance if you require hospitalization and are more than two hundred and fifty miles from your home address.

Trip cancellation and interruption insurance is also strongly recommended. If you have unforeseen circumstances that cause you to cancel or delay your trip this coverage with reimburse many if not all of your expenses.